5 Fundamentals of On-Job Training For New Employees

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Whenever you hire a new employee, you gamble. You might get another creative, talented and profitable member in your team, or you end up getting a machine that performs specified tasks, not more than that. He might be the best creative liar who slacks on company time and leaves within a month. Small businesses deal with this issue more often.

To help you minimize risks of hiring less competent people, a potential training process is the best tool that carves new hires into ambitious and creative workers. In fact, majority of those leaving the company within a month say that the company lacks proper training setup, including a classroom where they can get theoretical knowledge about operations.

But before you call a meeting on devising a solid training plan for new employees, understand what you need to do.

Prep Tips Employee Training

1. Assess your business and its scope

This step is vital for you to hold on to your employees. You’re investing in them and you should secure your investment by elaborating how your business provides learning and growing opportunities, and how what they need to do to become leaders in future. If new employees understood your vision and their job description, chances are, they will stick with you for a long time.

2. Create a training manual

You must have operations manual of your business. Add the basic operations, overview of extended operations and complete procedure of how your business works. Incorporate and elaborate initial-level activities through pictures, graphs, flowcharts and bullet text. Add technical jargon with a complete guide so that your employees can learn quickly. You might want to include policies and procedures and information related to probationary period as well.

3. Plan employee training

On the basis of training manual, evaluate your employees and pick the best ones who can train on technical aspects better than the heads. Still, you might need a skilled trainer to assist and direct these employees throughout the training. Secondly, divide the training into different phases with proper time frame. In orientation phase, start by introducing yourself, followed by the management, including heads of the departments, HR, manager, team leaders, supervisors, administrator, trainer and his assistants, and other related people.

Critically analyze these procedures and organize training steps. Other people have also have to play their part with small presentations, introductory sessions, Q&A and more. However, the onus of training lies on the person who delivers technical details of work.

4. Assess the place


Place of training is the part of Training Needs Assessment, and it should be well supplied with equipment and every kind of accessories. Depending upon the nature of business, they maintain a small training facility, but it may be insufficient. Small business these days, rent training room facility because of the lack of space and supplies. The irony is, instead of looking for affordable options, business ignore the importance of theoretical knowledge related to operations.

5. Formulate your training strategy

Lastly, you need to assess the whole program in terms of time and cost, and make necessary adjustments where possible. While training remains their as the vital element of your business, it must ensure ROI based on productivity, quality and consistency.

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