Employees are the most precious asset for your company, and who better than you can understand that with every passing day, they’re becoming more important for business success. You need no evidence for that since you’re aware of overwhelming career opportunities out in the market, for skilled Singaporean workforce.
Will you waste your investment in your employees – give them all the training of your latest systems then leave them to make their own choices? Certainly not! So, how are you going to prevent them join your competitors? Raise their salaries may be, but how much, and for how long? You sill soon touch the break even and the problem may still be there. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to think beyond basic employee training and refreshers.
The only way to retain employees is to help them make decisions beneficial for them and for your business as well. You can do so by investing in career development programs launched by several different outsourced companies. These programs are set in accordance with your requirement, aiding managers and entrepreneurs with successful career paths for their employees.
The best thing about them is, career development programs can be organized anywhere; a company owned facility or seminar room rental. So, there won’t be too much of investment, except for the extra time you need for planning.
8 Reasons Why You Should Support Career Development Program
- Career development is the part of your job as a business owner, according to HRM philosophy.
- You can help employees create realistic goals, through real time information pertaining with your company.
- You can give learning opportunities through classroom sessions on skill development
- Through promotion opportunities and inter-department transfers, you can make your employees satisfied.
- By utilizing experience and skills of seasoned employees, you can save the cost of training and development. They can share their experience and help new staff choose the right path for them.
- Employees will learn how their individual goals are aligned with organization’s goal.
- Career development is a cost-effective way to improve overall morale and productivity of the company.
- If you attend to career development program, top level management and valued employees will take keen interest in it too.
How You Can Implement Career Development
- Review performance and conduct individual development programs and discussions, on yearly basis.
- Assign it as a mandatory task for all the supervisors to develop and support their employees.
- Invest in activities like career strategy groups, cross-training, job rotation, internships, mentoring and coaching. You can use training room rental for cross-training and coaching.
- You have to offer support and time to the workforce beyond their jobs as well.
- Make flexible work arrangements and entertain staff requests for flexi schedules.
- Participate in professional development programs. Your employees will be motivated to see you taking interest in these activities.
- Create vacancies that require multi-tasking skills. These vacancies help you create a pool of diverse applicants within and outside the organization.
In order to conduct career development training, discussion forums and coaching sessions, you can get a training room for rent at reasonable rates.