business leader

3 More Tips to Turn Your Managers into Leaders

If your company is constantly finding natural-born leaders, maybe you are not tapping into the potential of your employees and managers. Some of your employees or managers may have the leadership potential you are looking for.

All they need is a little training and guidance. However, just booking training room rentals or classroom rentals for a leadership training program may not be the solution. Building leadership skills in your managers takes time and effort. Here are some more tips on how to turn your managers into leaders.

1. Leverage one-on-one training technique

The one-to-one training approach is arguably the most effective way to mentor someone. Look within your organization to spot managers who have the potential to become good leaders. Once you have identified the potential candidates, now you should put them into a personalized training program. The mentor should invest enough time to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate and and take out the best in him, while quelling his doubts and apprehensions.

2. Find mentors from within your company

The effectiveness of your leadership training sessions would increase manifold if you can find a mentor from within your organization. Such a person would know the depths of the organization and would align his lessons with the mission and vision of your company.

3. Use technology

In this day and age of technological advances, there’s a tool to solve almost every potential problem. Leadership training is no exception. The classroom setting, the ambience must cater to the technological needs of the candidates and should be lacking in nothing. Not only will it create a favorable impression upon the newly hired employees and managers but also make tasks much easier for them. For instance you can create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for every aspiring leader. This method charts a candidate-specific module. Through this, each candidate can track his growth, success and areas of improvement.