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What time should you hold your seminar or training event?

Timing is to imperative to the success of your event as it directly affects your participant’s turnout. The timing should be catered according to the target audience which you like to attract. The different types of audience and their respecitve timing are as follows:

Let’s start with the students. You will have note that students usually spend the whole day in school and can stay till as late as late evening like 5-6pm due to CCAs or tuition classes for example. In fact, this is one of the toughest group to target if you are not working with schools for their schdule. Hence, if you are attracting a general student crowd for your seminar, perhaps holding it at about Saturday noon time, about 2pm will be good. Even if the students have CCA to attend on saturday, it should likely end by 12pm. Sundays are out as students will usually spend time with family, friends and prepare for school next week.

Holding a talk for this group is a no-no in the morning as they will have to send their children to school, perform household chores, marketing etc. Hence, a good timing for this group will be about 2-4pm on weekdays (not weekends). Later evening seminars for this group may not work too as they usually need to rush back to fetch the children from school, cook etc.

Office Workers
This group is the most busy of the lot but their timing is actually more predictable. The typical working hours for an average working adult is between 8am – 6pm. If you take into consideration the travelling time to your event location, dinner etc, a good timing to start your seminar would be about 7pm -7.30pm. Refrain from starting your event too early or later than the recommended timing as it will likely put off a large majority of the target audience. For example, if you start a seminar at 6.30pm and a typical worker ends his work at 6pm. Given only 30min to travel to your event location, this will likely discourage him from making the effort to turn up despite registering for it. Weekends (mainly Saturday) can be a double edged sword as some people like to switch off totally and rest. If you prefer to hold it on Saturday, consider holding it at about 2-3pm at a central location so that they can continue their shopping activities etc.

If you are looking for an affordable, cozy and convenient place to hold your event, do check out our website at https://www.trainingroomsg.com