Tag Archives: training room for rent

Tips to decide whether you should adopt a workshop or seminar style presentation

As a trainer, one of the main consideration is the delivery of your message. Your message can be delivered in many different ways to your audience. There is no best method but your decision will be based on the topic you present, demographic of your audience and also participating numbers. These few factors will mainly determine the way you get your message across and preferably retain it in the memories of those you have presented to.

There are mainly two kinds of presentation. First, a seminar and second, a workshop style. There are pros and cons to both types of presentation styles and there is no one size fits all model, however the following paragraphs should help you along with adopting the right approach for your presentation.

Seminar style presentation usually is more one way as compared to workshop style. Therefore, there will be less participation by the audience as you as the speaker will be trying your best to get your points across within a certain time frame. Usually, a seminar style seminar does not involve any discussions, activities and the attention is fixated on the speaker. Of course, the time to interact is usually at the end of the session where there is usually a Q and A session to clarify any doubts or handle any questions that the participants might have.

In contrast, workshop style presentation is usually more hands on, involves much more hands-on activities and allows you as the speaker to interact and engage more with the participants. For example, this can be in the form of learning a certain skill like computer, internet marketing etc. There is usually more bonding in workshop styled presentations.
For workshop style presentation, most providers usually minimally charge a nominal fee to cover their expenses like room rental, and also imparting a certain skill set to the participants.

In summary, deciding on the presentation style must take into consideration the objective of your presentation, size of the class, demographics and whether you are opening up to the public or enclosing it to a small community to impart a certain skill set. You also have to take into consideration the amount of time you have for each presentation and whether it is a weekday or weekend also might affect your training.

If you are looking for a cozy, convenient and affordable training room rental in Town, do visit our website https://trainingroomsg.com  or give us a call at 66595919

Do’s and Don’ts of Seminar Room Rental

Like our training room, our seminar room also has certain do’s and don’ts. We at TrainingroomSG like to keep our seminar room and training rooms at tip top condition, clean and well maintained because we believe this will help us to attract and retain clients who think and believe our philosophy like we do. As trainers ourselves, we have earlier rented from many different providers and now when we finally have our own seminar and training room, we know how cleanliness and the condition is plays a part in the success of our events.

After all, no trainer likes to train in a unclean, unkempt environment as the seminar room is actually the very second impression the trainer gives to his participants, the first being the location of the seminar room.


  • No drinking and eating in the seminar or training room. Plain water is allowed but please be careful to avoid spillage.
  • No smoking in the room
  • Please keep the place in the same tip top condition as it was handed over.
  • Please report any spillage or damages to our company representative. We place a lot of trust in our clients honesty and responsibility.
  • Please do not register your company using our address unless with express permission from TrainingroomSG
  • Avoid speaking on topics which are derogatory, controversial and discriminatory.
  • Acquire the rights to play the music or materials during your event. We trust that our clients will not infringe on copyright during their event.
  • Please take care of the equipment that comes along with the rental example, projector, flip chart board, white board etc.
  • Please be considerate and end your event on time as another trainer who is taking over the room will need time to do set-up and preparation work.

We trust this non-exhaustive list of do’s and don’ts will go a long way to provide a conducive, great learning learning experience for your participants. We want a mutually beneficial relationship for our clients and us.

If you are looking for a budget, convenient and cozy Seminar Room in Singapore to conduct your seminars or talks, visit us at www.trainingroomsg.com or call us at 66595919 to book your room now

Tips to select your topic when you organise a seminar

In recent years, we can see that there is an influx of both paid and unpaid seminars taking place in Singapore. These range from educating the public on finance, investments in stock, currencies, property and internet marketing. Without a doubt, there are more successful ones compared to the rest i.e. better participation rate or sign up or take up rate. Therefore, what are the secrets to selecting a good topic so that your seminar will be successful? The first factor is topic selection

Subject Matter Expert
By being subject matter expert, this means that you have been in study for a particular topic for a consider number of years. As Malcolm Gladwell put it, it should be about the range of 10,000 hours of study before you can become good at a particular subject. This will also mean that you have chalked up sufficient experience and knowledge and mistakes along the way. Interestingly, many audience would like to listen to speakers who are ‘human’ ie those that have failed, learn relearn and picked themself after. Hence, if you have such a story to tell, it will help you to captivate your audience and sometimes this could even relate to them. If you are not experienced enough, make sure you equip yourself with enough knowledge as this might affect your branding in the market.

Value Add
Do not let your participants feel that they have wasted their time in attending your seminar. Be sincere and know enough to impart knowledge to your participants. Afterall, they have took time to come listen to you and it is good that you teach them something practical and not only a sales pitch on your product or course. For example, if you are holding a property seminar, you can share the market trends, current interest rates and yield of different housing areas and urban planning of Singapore or population growth to illustrate potential of certain areas. Sincerity sells and convince your potential clients!

Call To Action
Make sure you end your seminar with a call to action. If you like people to sign up for your course, at the end of the seminar, show the benefits of joining your class and let them make a decison. Do not let your participants leave your seminar room not knowing what you are presenting and selling. This would be a waste time for both parties.

If you are looking for a budget, convenient and cozy Seminar Room in Singapore to conduct your seminars or talks, do check us out at our website today!

Tips to rehearse your presentation

The success of a seminar lies on the the trainer or speaker. It is the trainer’s responsibilty to deliver an engaging, memorable and unforgettable session for the audience. Ample preparation is actually the key to determine the success of your presentation. Here are some tips for your presentation

The number one rule is to prepare. Regardless of how many times you did your presenation before, always remember not to enter into your event without any preparation. Even if you are highly experienced, you should at least do one round of dry run. This is so that you are kept aware of the timing of your slides, and all the succint points. Missing out on some points can be crtical as to your event success. And this will lead to the disappointment of your participants

Prepare, Prepare and Prepare
For speakers who tend to suffer from stage fright and get jittery, actually all it needs to rehearse more and familiarise yourself with your materials. Do consider inviting your friends and family members to review your presentation and ask for your honest feedback. After which, act on the feedback to further improve your presentation.

Use a laser pointer to direct your audience to the points that you want them to. Remember that they are unable to read your mind and will need a visual aid to direct their focus. Also, having less than 3 points per slide will be good otherwise it may lose your participant’s focus. Usually, keep the presentation to less than 10 slides too depending on your type of event.

TrainingroomSG offers you a good, convenient and budget venue to conduct your seminars, workshops and classes. If you are looking for a good training or seminar room, check out our affordable rates and make a booking with us today!

What time should you hold your seminar or training event?

Timing is to imperative to the success of your event as it directly affects your participant’s turnout. The timing should be catered according to the target audience which you like to attract. The different types of audience and their respecitve timing are as follows:

Let’s start with the students. You will have note that students usually spend the whole day in school and can stay till as late as late evening like 5-6pm due to CCAs or tuition classes for example. In fact, this is one of the toughest group to target if you are not working with schools for their schdule. Hence, if you are attracting a general student crowd for your seminar, perhaps holding it at about Saturday noon time, about 2pm will be good. Even if the students have CCA to attend on saturday, it should likely end by 12pm. Sundays are out as students will usually spend time with family, friends and prepare for school next week.

Holding a talk for this group is a no-no in the morning as they will have to send their children to school, perform household chores, marketing etc. Hence, a good timing for this group will be about 2-4pm on weekdays (not weekends). Later evening seminars for this group may not work too as they usually need to rush back to fetch the children from school, cook etc.

Office Workers
This group is the most busy of the lot but their timing is actually more predictable. The typical working hours for an average working adult is between 8am – 6pm. If you take into consideration the travelling time to your event location, dinner etc, a good timing to start your seminar would be about 7pm -7.30pm. Refrain from starting your event too early or later than the recommended timing as it will likely put off a large majority of the target audience. For example, if you start a seminar at 6.30pm and a typical worker ends his work at 6pm. Given only 30min to travel to your event location, this will likely discourage him from making the effort to turn up despite registering for it. Weekends (mainly Saturday) can be a double edged sword as some people like to switch off totally and rest. If you prefer to hold it on Saturday, consider holding it at about 2-3pm at a central location so that they can continue their shopping activities etc.

If you are looking for an affordable, cozy and convenient place to hold your event, do check out our website at https://www.trainingroomsg.com

Tips for your invitation to your event or seminar participants

Type of Setting
Is your seminar in a formal or informal setting? For the latter, using MS words or powerpoint to design an invitation should be sufficient. With the advent of social media, social platforms like facebook, twitter and linkedin are also good avenues to invite your participants.

With a formal setting event, perhaps a professional invitation card by using the services of a professional designer may be required depending on your budget. You can still tap on social media to invite your participants and you may also want to consider advertising your event since it is a formal one.

When do you send out your seminar or event invitation?
If possible, send out the invitation 1-1.5 months before the event, this will give your participants time to plan and re schedule their personal events where applicable and inform you of their attendance. Do not send out invitations one or two weeks before the event as this may be mis-interpreted as insincere and/or lack of proper planning. Having said that, it is also not good to send out the invitation too far away from the date of the event as people tend to forget about it.

Lastly, it is a good practice to send an sms or better still, call your participants and remind them about the event 2-3 days before the event. A simple act like this has a few advantages 1) remind your participants about the event 2) confirm their attendance 3) make last minute arrangements where necessary. By doing this, you are assured of a good turnout.

Don’t belittle the small act of a proper invitation, this will ensure a better turnout for your seminar or event. If you are looking for an affordable, cozy and convenient place to hold your event, check us out at https://www.trainingroomsg.com

Newly and Professionally Renovated Training Room For Rental

If you are looking for a budget, convenient and cozy Seminar  or Training Room Rental Facility in Singapore to conduct your seminars or talks, do check out  our website at https://www.trainingroomsg.com or call us at 66595919 if you have any questions.

Our professionally renovated training room is built to inspire, excite and encourage learning and training. Our training room rental rates are at reasonable prices at a town location & we have opened it to responsible business partners for rental.


Tips For Powerful Presentations

Presenting in front of a large audience can be a nerve wrecking event for many people. Below are some tips to present better and appear more confident in front of a large crowd?

Establish your credibility the moment you start your presentation
Your audience will only listen to you if they know who you are, what you do and give your audience a reason why they should listen to you.

Slow Down
Speakers without experience usually speak fast during their presentations. Remind yourself to slow down and have pauses in between your speech.

Let your audience know the purpose or aim of your presentation from the start
Do not let your audience second guess what is your presentation about. Let them know from the onset what is your aim or goal of your presentation.

Use of materials to support what you are presenting
It is good to have supporting materials (facts and figures) from research, institutions or authority figures to establish credibility in what you have said.

Eye Contact
Eye contact with your audience is imperative. Try to match your eye contact with everyone in the room as this wil make them feel important and continue to remain attentive and supportive on what you are presenting.

Project Your Voice
Nothing can be worst than a presentation you can’t hear. If the room is big, make sure you use a microphone. Many speakers make the mistake of insisting that they use their natural voice in a big room. Projecting your voice doesn’t mean yelling, but rather standing up straight and letting your voice resonate on the air in your lungs rather than in the throat to produce a clearer sound.

Do not use or minimise fillers
Moments quite often happen when the speaker is temporarily ‘lost’ and need to use fillers like ‘um,’ ‘ah,’ or ‘you know’? Instead of doing so, replace the fillers with a pause. The pause may seem a bit strange, but the strange thing is the audience will usually not notice it.

Prepare Early
Be familiar with the training room equipment and do not get caught up with hooking up the powerpoint and/or projector when participants are waiting for you to speak. Come early, run through your slideshow, dry run your presentation and make sure there won’t be any glitches. Preparation is one of the most crucial tips in helping you to remove your speaking anxiety.

Rehearse your speech as many times as you can before the event. Better still, join Toastmasters and practice your speaking skills regularly in front of a large audience. Not only you will have fun, you will also pick up tips along the way to make yourself a better speaker and build your confidence and competence when you need to approach the stage.

If you are looking for a convenient or cozy training room or seminar room setting to conduct your event, our rates are very affordable and value for money for a location in Town.
Please visit our website at www. trainingroomsg.com for more details.