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3 More Tips to Conduct Training on Performance Management

Companies that provide training on performance management are more likely to reduce employee turnover, improve employee engagement and productivity. But before you training room rental to train your employees on performance management, you should know what an effective training program should look like. We have already shared some tips in the previous article, but here are 3 more steps to planning an effective training program on performance management.

1. Measure outcomes of your training
What gets measured gets managed. This piece of wisdom from famous American management consultant Peter Drucker holds true for performance management training. if you currently don’t have a system to measure the outcomes of your training program, you are probably wasting your time and money on training. So before you book classroom rental for your next training program, identify the key metrics to measure the outcome of your training. After a successful training session on performance management, your employees should have a clear idea of their job duties, what managers expect from them, and how to give or receive feedback.

2. Involve internal members of your team
Many companies hire outsiders for giving training on performance management. While there’s nothing wrong in inviting outside experts to lecture on the topic, most of the practical ideas for improving performance management should come from within your organization. Your senior managers probably have a better understanding of how performance in managed in your organization. So involve them and let them work collaboratively with outside experts to develop a holistic training program on performance management.

3. Make sure training improves your bottom line
In addition to measuring the qualitative results of your training program on performance management, you should also measure its impact on the company’s bottom line. Training helps your employees and managers learn new skills, but how they use those skills to increase business revenues matter the most. So before you rent training room, make it a point to recognize your expectations in terms KPIs. After the training, measure the ROI to see how the training has helped improve business outcomes.