In Singapore, different kinds of seminars are being held by some learning centers and education institutes. Unlike traditional seminars, these seminars are different, because:
- They are focused on enhancing student’s intellect
- They have flexible teaching process,
- Participants from different walks of life may attend them
- These seminars don’t follow specific setting
The purpose of such seminars is to improve communication and enhance thinking process. Following are the four types of seminars that can be easily arranged in a seminar room:
1. Community seminar
These seminars involve adults with some common purpose which may be figurative or literal. Such seminars are organized for people who are facing difficulty in their work. Community seminars are held to improve collaboration among two parties with different views. For example, a dialogue between retired individuals with very low pension, and concerned government officials builds collaborative understanding and promote thinking process.
Similarly, a seminar involving parents, teachers and students is also a community seminar, but it’s different from traditional “Parent-teacher meeting” or an “Annual Report-day”. It involves input from parents and other community members, in the form of experiences and ideas to improve the level of education.
2. Content Area seminar
This type of training seminar is integrated with typical classroom setup. The idea behind introducing content concept into the classroom is to encourage students to think objectively about their curriculum. You can introduce content area seminar at any stage of the course, and can design a seminar specifically for your course.
For example, you can organize a faculty seminar for business students and motivate them to enroll into professional accounting courses. You can do so by introducing ACCA, CA and ACMA professionals and let the students discuss their concerns. Content-area seminars may also be helpful in the middle of any course, when students can talk to professionals regarding what they studied in class.
To do that, and to attract more students, you can rent a proper training room and have good setup and create awareness about the course you’re offering. The content area seminar will help you:
- Promote the purpose of your course, training or subject
- Students can relate to real life examples where they can implement it
3. Faculty seminar
Faculty seminars involve individuals who are experienced and they can share their ideas about the profession. It means, adult learners, like teachers or faculty members can sit and share their ideas that they can put into practice.
Such seminars can change education culture and give new learning experience to students.
4. School-Wide seminar
As the name suggests, these seminars are designed for schools, to create and promote unified culture. These seminars are normally held in a large place, probably school’s assembly area. Every student and teacher is required to participate in it. As the purpose of seminar is to strengthen the school culture, there is set of planned questions and texts. Seminar leaders may alter the questions according to their requirements.
These seminars may be new to some education institutes but they can change the way of learning and create the importance of studies among students.