If you are holding seminars which have products or offers for the participants to buy at the end of the seminar, if your seminar that you are holding falls in such a category, perhaps the following tips about about placement product and also tips to convince and persuade more of your attendees to purchase and not walk away without any sales purchase.
It is often quite common that after a seminar is done, many seminar operates are unable to hit their sales target. One of the reasons is that there is a lack of a proper and structured presentation of the offer delivery.
The number one thing to do is to increase the visibility of your product or offer. If it is not visible, it will not attract any attention and how to attract sales? If it is for tangible products, the physical product can be placed but if it is for selling of courses, then perhaps you should place a prominent sales booth with registration form, pamphlets and sales representatives.
Secondly, the placement must be convenient to your participants. It will be apt to place your counter or table with the offers near the entrance/exit doors of your venue. That is, a location that no one can miss when they enter and exit (especially).
The sales pitch usually occurs at the end of a seminar or presentation. For offering of courses, it is usually done by the speaker during the last part of his presentation.
In such instances, the speaker might ask for a show of hands for those who are keen. Another option is to inform the participants to approach the staff at the counter directly who are keen. Sometimes, giving a first ten sign up offer might work. For the first ten who sign up, the price or offer will be much more attractive than the rest. However, somehow this method seems to be over used in recent years and is not as effective as last time.
For physical products that you wish to sell, a table with a nice table cloth will be good for your presentation. Remember, the essence of doing so is to place the sales counter at a very prominent place where no one can miss (usually at the entrance or exit). Make sure your sales counter has all the necessary equipment set up to make it hassle free for people to purchase. For example, NET terminal and you should also know where is the nearest ATM machine if your client needs one.
While these tips seem ordinary, but are often neglected by many as they are too insignificant to take note of yet, they have a place to play in your sales figures.
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