office argument

4 Steps to Turn Difficult Employees Into Awesome Employees

We all know that difficult people can make a company a tough place to work.

The truth is that you have a limited time to get your employees to perform at peak levels. So it’s important to spend the time to get to know your team—and help them become more successful. You’ll find that there is a good step-by-step process you can do to turn difficult employees into awesome employees. So, get your training room rental ready because this article is something good to share.

1. Investigate the Situation
The first step is to find out what happened. Interviews with the employees can provide the first set of clues. In the interview, try to understand where the employee’s thinking comes from. Is it the situation or is it personal?

There are five questions you can use to identify a disruptive employee.
#1: What kind of attitude does the person exhibit?
#2: Are the person’s attitudes destructive or constructive?
#3: Does the employee’s behavior or attitude disrupt the company’s effectiveness?
#4: Is the employee’s attitude or behavior a problem or a problem that needs solving?
#5: How does the person’s behavior or attitude affect the company?

Don’t jump to conclusions. Be open-minded and do due diligence to know what has occurred exactly.

2. Plan for a One-on-One Discussion
If you’re dealing with a disruptive employee, the best approach is to talk to the person about it. Be as open and honest as possible, but don’t assume the person is going to behave the way you want him or her to. They may be rude, inconsiderate, and downright destructive.

But just go on. Make sure the employee knows why you’re talking to them, and be clear that there’s no room for disagreement on what is expected.

Analyze the root cause of the issue and listen to their side as well to have a clear understanding from all perspectives. In order to understand the situation, you must know why the person feels this way. Why did this happen? You need to understand the underlying emotional issue in order to truly change the employee’s attitudes.

3. Develop Preventive Measures and Motivating Solutions
The person who is demonstrating disruptive behavior is usually not aware that the behavior is creating problems. They are unaware of the long-term impact of their behavior on the organization. As a manager, you have to develop a strategy to help the person understand what’s going on and help the person change the way they act. Help them rebuild their self-image and confidence by pointing out their positive traits and the areas they need to improve on and how they can improve it.

Simplify an agreed course of action. Ensure the employee has input towards agreement, discuss what is expected from the employee, and schedule the evaluation dates.

They also need to see that the company cares about them, which makes them feel respected and valued. If employees feel that way, they’re more likely to show up to work on time, be more engaged, and do their jobs.

For employees that might be struggling with the wrong role, you can assign them a different work function that matches their personalities.

4. Offer Training and Guidance Courses
Surprisingly, one bad apple really can spoil and damage a highly performing team in a short span. To avoid and minimize the chances of wreaking havoc, better rent seminar room, invite a professional, and organize a seminar regarding the effects of disruptive behavior in the workplace and how to overcome it.

Don’t give up on difficult employees. They may have had bad experiences in the past, or they might simply need more training. Regardless of the reason, there’s no point in throwing a person out the door who could really benefit from some coaching. If you work together, your difficult employee can become a great member of your team.


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