What do we do when we turnover our training and seminar room for our clients?

Having or renting your own training or seminar room is wonderful but it does come with responsibilities for you as the tenant or even as the trainer or speaker of a particular event. As mentioned in earlier do’s and don’t article, agreement helps all parties to properly take care of the training space. Keeping the training room clean will help reduce any unnecessary conflicts between the landlord and the tenant.

Like to share our experience of turning over the room for a client and what are the things we do before we hand over to the client to ensure that the state and condition of the room is impeccable.

The Day before the event
We will sms or contact the client to confirm his required room arrangement and the number of persons attending the event. Many times, as the client books the room way before his event, the room seating arrangement and number of persons expected to turn up for the event might change. In fact, we recently had a client told us that his sign ups just rocketed on the day of his event.

Housekeeping & Maintenance
For health, safety, and pest control reasons, we always endeavor to keep our training room spick and span condition. We regularly checked for stains in the carpet (*touch wood*) and also vacuum the carpert so that it is clean when our client takes over the room. It is strongly recommended that tables, chairs and carpets be cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis. Cleaning on a regular basis will actually help you avoid excessive and difficult cleaning at the end of the year and unnecessary cleaning charges.

Check for repairs
We conduct regular checks on our equipment especially after one client finishes using the room and another check before we hand over to the another client. We endeavour to provide the best customer experience to all of our clients and we do not hope to have any conflict or misunderstanding that arise. If repairs are needed in the training room, we make sure we fix it so that the next client can use it with a peace of mind.

Cleaning Procedures
We regularly clean our tables and chairs and we recommend non-abrasive cleaners, liquid detergents. Be sure to always follow the instructions on the label. Do it regularly and you will not find it difficult to keep your chairs and tables clean. This is part of showing our respect and appreciation that we give to our clients.

Last but not least, as it is coming to the year end, we have also prepared our End-of-the-Year

Checklist that we like to share:


  • Vacuum carpets
  • Sweep carpets
  • Surfaces (cupboards,Furniture (desks, chairs and sofas (if any)
  • Dust and wipe inside and out
  • Remove cushions from sofa and chairs and vacuum. Clean spots from upholstery with a damp cloth or cleaner


  • Clean windows and remove any window clings
  • Close and latch all windows
  • Close blinds or curtains
  • Closet/Storage Areas
  • Vacuum/sweep floor


  • Remove all tape and/or poster putty
  • Wipe down, as needed
  • Tack Strips/Corkboards
  • Remove all tacks and nails
  • Wipe down, as needed
  • Recycling Bins/Waste Baskets
  • Remove all trash and recyclables from your room.
  • Clean bins inside and out.