Soft skills are like invisible assets. Some examples of soft skills include work ethics, communication skills, time management skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability of set goals. Anyone having these skills is likely to climb the career ladder faster. However, not everyone is born with soft skills. Employers can play a major role in cultivating soft skills among their employees. For instance, they can rent training room or rent seminar room to organize meetings and seminars on personal development. Here are some more ways to help your employees build soft skills.
1. Train the managers first
To hold a managerial position, one has to have some good communication skills, leadership and team management skills, conflict resolution skills, networking skills, business development skills etc. Sometimes, it may be tough for the organization to train each employee directly through several means if the employee strength is large. Hence, the entrepreneurs or directors need to ensure that the managers are trained first so that they can then pass on that knowledge to employees working in their team.
2. Create videos for training and development
Micro-learning video content is an effective tool for agile training and development. It helps employees access the training materials instantly from almost anywhere. Also, videos help demonstrate an idea or training material easily and convincingly. However, some types of training are best done through in-person training sessions. For such things, you can rent training room and organize training sessions for your employees.
3. Encourage employees to accept constructive criticism
Those who are open to constructive criticism and use that feedback to learn and grow are more likely to succeed in life. As a manager or employer, you can play a major role in helping your employees learn how to accept constructive criticism. One good idea would be to use the Feedback Sandwich method, which involves opening the feedback with some positive comments. In other words, the managers should use praising or encouraging words followed by corrective feedback.