As a trainer, besides our passion to impart our knowledge and help people grow or excel, how do you know whether you are doing good enough?
As the saying goes, what gets measured gets improved. How do you measure your training effectiveness? We encourage the use of a course evaluation checklist. What it does is that it allows your participants to talk to you, to feedback what went well, what went wrong in your presentation or training. Below are some questions that are good to ask your participants for their feedback. We also encourage that you keep the evaluation anoynmous as this will be a true test of your performance.
If you are doing an in house workshop for your client, the course evaluation checklist is often also used by the training department to understand the course, its effectiveness and whether its objectives are met. Most of the times, the objective of such in house workshops or training is that the employee must be able to do better at their work.
Some of the metrics that course evaluation form uses are yes/no questions. While some metrics used are very poor, poor, average, good, very good and excellent.
This article will share more about yes and no questions.
- Is the content constructed based on job tasks?
- Are steps or actions to take detailed and broke down into clear instructions?
- Is the material tailored to the seniority and/or experience level of the participants?
- Has the “by the way” information been minimized?
- Is more than one third of the training session spent on the content presentation?
- Is more than two third of the time spent on the allowing the participants to effectively apply the information?
- Are adult learning concepts built into the course?
- Is the pace of the course good?
- Is the course properly structured?
- Does break up group exercises simulate the tasks and bring across the learning points?
- Activities are built into the course to help transfer skills learned to the job.
- Is sufficient time allocated for the difficult tasks.
- The content is reviewed at regular intervals and there is good clarify by the speaker?
- Has the effectiveness of the course been evaluated?
- would you recommend this workshop to your colleagues or friends in this field?
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