Organizing training programs for small business employees doesn’t have to be stressful. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind right from the planning stage. For instance, when you rent training room for your training program, you should consider the location and other facilities. We provided some tips in the previous article. Here are some more tips.
1. Attend seminars and events happening in your City
Training programs and seminars occur frequently. They generally cater to a wide range of subjects, and you are sure to find one that fits right for your employees. If you have a small group that you plan to train, facilitating them to attend these training sessions can be a smart idea. This way you are not required to rent seminar room of your own and make the necessary arrangements. All you need to do is pay for the event your employees are attending.
2. Begin with a mentorship program
If you are keen on periodic and continuous training and development of employees, starting a mentorship program always helps. For instance, when someone joins your sales team, you can place them under the mentorship of a senior salesperson. This will help them learn faster. Going forward, that experience could help your employees absorb any further on-the-job training more easily.
3. Set measurable goals
Simply planning training sessions is not actually enough. You need to have a measurable goal and take the time out to meet your employees and discuss the same with your employees. Make your expectations clear and come up with a plan for measuring their progress. Use quarterly reviews for identifying training gaps. This will give you a fair picture of the loopholes and progresses alike.
A proper plan can help you take care of your training requirements without overshooting the expenditure.