Ask any small business owner, and most of them will tell you they know the importance of training their employees, but don’t have the budget to organize training sessions on a regular basis. This is a common problem. When SMBs have to cut their budget, the first thing they target is the training budget. However, with a little planning, it may be possible for you to not only save money on training room rentals but also make your training programs a success. Here are some tips.
1. Choose in-house specialists
If you are running a small business, the number of employees would be limited. As the owner, you are likely to be well versed with the strengths and weaknesses of each employee. Therefore, instead of hiring experts from outside, it will always be a good idea to choose someone from your staff to conduct the training sessions. For instance, if you have an employee with excellent computer skills you can ask him to conduct a session on the same. This will enhance engagement and will be cost effective too.
2. Incorporate employee interests in your training programs
There is indeed no point in organizing training sessions and paying for classroom rentals unless your employees are motivated to learn. You can plan programs but cannot force them to pay attention! This is why incorporating employee interests in training programs is important. Consider circulating a questionnaire enquiring about the same. Incorporate them for best results.
3. Keep in mind the generation gap
This becomes a challenge while planning training sessions for small businesses because the employee strength is less. Owners often have the tendency to club together different age groups in one session! This is a gross mistake! The older generation might not be privy to fresh ideas or technologies as the modern generation!
Training sessions conducted for small or medium-sized businesses need to possess a personal touch. After all, small businesses often function like a large family unit and it is this sense of togetherness that keeps them going.