A lot goes into planning an event. It is important to publicize it extensively for ensuring maximum attendance. There is no point in having an event with empty seats staring at you! Right from the time you rent training room as a venue for your event, it is essential to have specifically chalked our publicity plans on paper. Plan a fortnight of publicity events at least. Here are some of the ways in which you can publicize your event and ensure maximum foot fall.
Create that Perfect Ecommerce Platform
Creating a website for the event is one of the first things to do. Use it as the perfect ecommerce platform for publicizing your event and also for sale for tickets. Once you have created the website, pick up a few specific aspects like the color of the register button, the headlines of the home page and so on and perform a testing of different variations to see what clicks and what needs to change. Be absolutely sure of every aspect of your site before you launch it.
Plan a Perfect Social Media Campaign
Once the webpage is up, waste no time in creating a perfect social media campaign for your event. Social is one of the most robust tools for spreading the word. Make sure you have created advertisements that are consistent in terms of content and carry necessary information for those wishing to attend. Plan an interactive presence on social media as well. You should be available for community engagement and for answering questions. Attempt to reach out to bloggers and those who can help in spreading the word. Make sure your advertisement campaign is good enough to cover as many channels as possible.
Street Marketing Might Work
Although this might have nothing to do with technology, street activations are surprisingly effective in selling more tickets and spreading the news. You can allot an afternoon for posting flyers and for distributing leaflets at stores near the venue where you have opted to rent seminar room. You can do a bit of research on the places to target for maximum results.
Incentivizing Referrals is a Great Idea
Asking for referrals is one thing and incentivizing them is quite another. Imagine how much your ticket sales will improve if each guest brought along another with him. You can offer free upgrade of seats with a referral or a coffee hamper or free refreshments or just about anything. This will motivate your confirmed attendees to bring along friends and acquaintances.
Starting a Blog
If you have the time, starting a blog is an excellent idea to find favor with search engines. You can post good quality keyword rich content on these blogs and highlight the speakers who would be attending your event. When the content is good and search engine optimized, it will enjoy good viewership.
Planning the event impeccably is what will see you through. From arranging to rent a training room, to finalizing the speakers and planning the publicity for the event, advance planning helps a great deal.