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3 More Tips to Improve Employee Engagement

Hiring great talent is only the first step. In order to leverage your talent pool for the growth of your company, you need a clear vision and mission. If you fail to make your employees see the big picture of your company, they’ll feel disengaged at work. Your job as a manager or employer is to make every task meaningful to them. But how can you do that in practice to improve your employee engagement? Well, there are many ways – from booking training room rental to offering incentives for great work. Here are two more tips to make your employees more engaged at work.

1. Encourage them to participate in volunteer work

People feel happy and satisfied when they can help others. Your employees are no different. If you can inspire them to participate in volunteer work as a team, it’ll definitely help improve their level of work satisfaction. Think about what your company can do for the underprivileged in your community. When your employees take part in charitable programs, they find meaning to their work and are more likely to come to work more satisfied.

2. Ask for feedback

When you ask someone for feedback, it makes them feel that their opinion matters. What a great way to improve employee engagement, without having to spend a dime.

3. Mentor them

It’s one thing to perform well; it’s another to help others perform well. Your job as a manager or boss is not just to sell more, but mentor others in your team to learn how to sell more. That’s exactly where most managers fail. They might be great performers but way too bad mentors. If required, you can rent classroom and organize short training sessions for your employees. That way, you can win the trust of your employees and make them feel valued and growing at work.